Инсектарий Веспос - Закут

Few artists today in the underground scene can match the brilliance of Инсектарий Веспос. Easily the most prolific deconstructed EDM artist of the modern age, Веспос’s discography is as creative as it is extendable, and his album Закут, released on January 6th, 2021, easily comes out on top from his early discography.


Very few remnants of EDM are recognisable on Закут. Unlike Веспос’s previous albums, there’s not a single wasted moment through its 11-track listing, nor a cliché in sight. Furthermore, while the album could have easily ridden on its aesthetic, it instead opts out for complex variations and progressions. The second track Бессонный паралич ditches the beats completely in favour of a masterful, pitch shifting synth that gradual amalgamates into a dazzling and stunning conclusion. Закольцованные окрестности barely progresses as much as it degrades, constantly shifting its pitch like a coked-up ADHD kid on acid. The song regularly introduces harrowing high-frequency shifts almost in an effort to turn off the listener, because make no mistake; Веспос doesn’t seem to care what anyone thinks of his work. Sample use is subtle, and very rarely relied upon, though it consistently enhances every piece it graces. There’s an eerie child mumbling through many of the tracks. Инсектоиды под кожей incorporates aquatic, degrading robotic synths and harrowing sounds of what can only be sounds emerging from tunnels into a suite that constantly swirls and blends its elements like a mad scientist splicing together multiple forms of life.


Закут is a difficult album to recommend to your average music enthusiast; it’s outside music to the core. The album is both cryptic and haunting, yet simultaneously engaging and intellectually stimulating. Very few electronic albums have cultivated an experience as unique as this, yet alone a distinct style. The album is to EDM what no-wave was to rock. In a previous review I mentioned Веспос ought to slow his output and focus on producing longer, more refined, and fleshed-out projects. Just as well the man with the monkey album doesn’t speak English, nor does he care what I have to say. The artist is in his creative peak, and if you want to hear what unrestrained creativity sounds like, check out Закут below:



Listen to it here:


Инсектарий Веспос - Закут

Инсектарий Веспос - Закут


Инсектарий Веспос - Одним Маршрутом


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