Инсектарий Веспос - Одним Маршрутом

 Though not as consistently strong as Закут, Одним Маршрутом is a fascinating followup to Веспос’s magnum opus.


Following the standard, bizarre Веспос opener, the artist continues with Инсектарий Веспос и speedrun any % - Единый Организм; a strong piece, that only faulters due to its excessive repetition. The first half is spectacular, though; the piece progresses naturally as it seamlessly deconstructs, while slowly amplifying its scant instrumentation into a dazzling second half. Whereas previous efforts by Веспос focused on building an immaculate soundscape, and dispersing beats within, it seems on Одним Маршрутом Веспос was more focused on the beats, rather than the soundscape. While its sound design is still phenomenal, the second half of the song’s composition almost feels stale compared to preceeding albums. Much could be said about Провинциальный Рассвет, which starts off strong, but soon runs out of ideas and resorts to basic, tired beats. There’s very little tension throughout the remaining album, as if it were simply a mere collection of abandoned ideas. Подступает-Отступает, for instance, feels like it merely jumps from idea to idea without full cohesion. Songs like Красивый, но бесплодный Сад are gorgeous, though could have easily fitted on Закут ‘s playlist; it begs the question why they were placed on a separate album.


Одним Маршрутом may have had more of an impact had it not been released so close to the mesmerising Закут. Furthermore, it’s outdone by Веспос’s stellar EP’s released at the tail end of 2020. Мажется and Неоформленный и Ветхий were released at the same time, but at least they were stylistically separable. It’s got some solid ideas, though Веспос’s latest is sadly his weakest. Perhaps now the artist should slow down his schedule.


Listen to it here:



Flaming Home - goodbye, my love!


Инсектарий Веспос - Закут