Lobsterfight - Pink, black, and orange in the corners.
Lobsterfight are two music makers from Pueblo, Colorado. Their music is wild and abrasively exotic, utilising the low-fi aesthetic to a varied and satisfying result. Their debut, Pink, Black, and orange in the Corners, is an amazing twist on the over-saturated emo-rock genre.
What makes Pink, Black, and orange in the Corners so remarkable is its unfiltered energy. It’s dissonance at times is simply a cover for its amateurishtic compositional skills, yet the variety and range in sonic expression certainly make up for its short comings. The vocals are not good, however, and sometimes get in the way. One can hope Lobsterfight improve on this area in future. Notwithstanding, the instrumentation is the key winner within these suits; MOONPIE! (biggerstaff) is gorgeous when it gives its instruments room to breathe, as does the hypnotising and mesmerizing Frog - If only more of these songs were as fleshed out to the same extent. The longest songs are the best; V is remarkably creative and captivating for its splendid duration. Thankfully the remaining songs don’t sound like filler, but they are inconsistent in delivery. The first few tracks sound incredibly unrefined compared to songs at the end; this is the opposite of a front-loaded album.
Neverthless, Lobsterfight have released dazzling record that should please any fan of Cap’n Jazz – Shmap’n Shmazz. Music on 4chan is finally getting the attention it deserves thanks to fantastic artists, such as Lobsterfight, who are not afraid to express themselves. Pink, Black, and orange in the Corners’s rawness is it’s most admirable quality. Not since Frog Eyes has low-fi indie-rock sounded so lush and expressive. The community is looking forward to your future.
Note: The original score for this review was really good. Following my review, I had few members of the community point my ears in the direction of bands such as The Brave Little Abacus. I was unaware of a lot of artists in this scene, as a result, the album loses points in “innovation” for me. Nonetheless, still a neat little record.
Listen to it here: