The Savage Young Taterbug -Theme For Gasoline Weirdo
The Savage Young Taterbug is an alternative indie-psychedelic band from Los Angeles, California. Released independently in 2009, Theme For Gasoline Weirdo was a neat, albeit short continuation of the artist’s sound.
What’s most impressive about Theme For Gasoline Weirdo is despite its repetition, its soundscape is impeccable. Out of all of The Savage Young Taterbug’s catalogue, Theme For Gasoline Weirdo is the album that comes closest to replicating River Mortis’ phenomenal soundscape. The album is lifted by its gorgeous centrepiece that starts around the 5-minute mark. The beautiful, fluttering guitars are heightened by the gorgeous, simple sampling and random circus-type honks. Sadly, the second half of the album is not as strong, and fluffs about till its divine closing track. Aquatic keys, a rag-time bass and a whistle leave quite the impression.
IF the album was more developed like its stronger pieces, it would have stood out more. Unfortunately, it suffers from the same dilemma as the artist’s other albums; many tracks are undeveloped and are abandoned too early. The Savage Young Taterbug got away with it in his debut since the atmosphere was consistently amazing throughout; unfortunately, as the years have progressed, the artist has not. Here’s hoping he reads these words one day and releases a solid, longer suite.
Listen to it here: