The Savage Young Taterbug - Boys Of The Feather
The Savage Young Taterbug is an alternative indie-psychedelic band from Los Angeles, California. Released independently in 2009, Boys Of The Feather was an album that captured the spirit of the early underground movement incredibly well, albeit not as solidly as its predecessor River Mortis.
All the winning ingredients are still present. There’s a consistent, ominous vibe throughout Boys Of The Feather that holds it together well. The abrasive, dissonant soundscape is as striking as ever. What makes it standout less is simply its lack of harmony; while River Mortis was dissonant and coarse, it was simultaneously sweet and delightful. While there are certainly moments of bliss throughout Boys Of The Feather, it can’t help sound like a collection of disorganised ideas stitched together without too much of a theme.
Thankfully, the album comes together nicely into a digestible piece. It only loses points on the innovation aspect next to its predecessor, though in some ways it’s almost as good. Despite representing a solid era of underground music, the album is just as digestible and impressive today. Not a bad way to spend 20 minutes at all.
Listen to it here: