Thomas Mills - Accordion to Who?

Thomas Mills is a fascinating fellow that makes unique, expressive and wonderful music. As mentioned in the original review, Mills’ utilises raw, abrasive recording equipment to elicit a powerful down-to-Earth atmosphere. The large range of instrumentals are beautifully entwined and offer something new and interesting with every song. This EP is more of a venture into electronics, and the transition works marvellously to his advantage.


The songs are so quick and sharp it’s barely worth talking about them individually. Some of the intervals work extraordinary well, such as the whimsical untitled-one and untitled-three, while other short tracks feel much too basic. Dog is an odd choice in the track listing, but Dog 2 is much more interesting. Ethnic Drunk is a great example of a song brimming with personality, but feels too short, much like the opening track and Konkey. The use of instrumentation is as strong as on Chicken/Egg, if not even more elegant and superbly mixed. The songs, however, are much rougher around the edges and have a lack of direction


Accordion to Who?’s biggest fault is it’s not long enough. It’s definitely worth listening to and super engaging, though at times feels much too like an experiment. If this is the direction Thomas Mils goes in, stick with it; it’s sublime. The production is the perfect match to Mills’ idiosyncrasy – if only these songs were more fleshed out.


Above Average

Give it a listen here:

Thomas Mills - Accordion to Who?

Thomas Mills - Accordion to Who?


Cm rv - Reflejos​/​Despertares​/​Siempre


CLUB ORO - " GET WELL SOON " (demoz)