Lamb Faucet - Soft Sung Song VII

Soft Sung Song VII was an album recorded in 11 days following the breakup of De Blimp. Furthermore, it was the first album released by Lamb Faucet to undergo post-production. The combination of proper mixing, and the fact he worked on the album for longer than Soft Sung Songs I-VI combined, made for the artist’s most polished album to date.


Before you knock the album off due to Faucet’s over-bloated discography, know there are some truly impressive tracks. Rome Annexes The Goths is disjointed, though the interplay of vocals are delightful, even when purposefully humorous. I Love Getting a Lot of Things Done is instrumentally one of the most flush and enjoyable songs on here. Lastly, tracks such as The Ghost of Ablon Leon and Home is Where The Heartbreak boast a truly remarkable soundscape. The best tracks all have one thing in common: distinct instrumentation. The weakest songs’ instrumentation often feels like an afterthought to the nonsensical lyrics, such as on The Train To Alsace-Lorraine and Ni Hao To Tangier. To the credit of the artist, the filler are at least somewhat entertaining; you can tell Lamb Faucet had a tonne of fun making them.


It’s amazing how much good material Lamb Faucet can make in less than two weeks. It would have made for a solid EP. Too bad it feels over-bloated due to Lamb Faucet’s ability to repeat himself. Furthermore, his fan base is suffering from Faucet Fatigue. His formula beyond Imaginary People and Shamberlone has become as formulaic and predictable as pop. Thankfully, it’s a solid formula. While there aren’t many lows, the main thing dragging Soft Sung Song VII down is a sense of unity. Upon finishing the album, I couldn’t figure out the theme tying the tracks together. There clearly isn’t one, resulting in the album sound like a solid collection of B Sides. At least Soft Sung Songs VI had the coalescing theme of retardation.



(And now Soft Sungs VI is an Above Average)

Listen to it here:

Lamb Faucet - Soft Sung Song VII


Zero Point Fool - Good Night, Sweet Dreams.


Lamb Faucet - New Good Album