How to get tryhard critics to seethe with one simple trick


It really should go without saying that movie critics are not to be listened to or ever to be taken seriously. They’re not human. They’re in fact some kind of creature that survives by burying their heads inside their rectal cavities for protection from outside forces like reality.
Continuously they go through pains to signal to whoever might be listening how intellectual and sophisticated their palates are, as it is the only thing they have in life that they feel they can brag about. Every “film” they watch is just another mark in their list, like a trophy kept behind glass. They don’t really care, they’re just in it to stroke their own egos and get paid by big dick players like Disney to talk about how exciting the new pink-slime 3 hour green-screen extravaganza is.

Miss March is one of those movies that has sadly been a victim of their vicious quest for validation. Review-bombed since release, every “critic” made it a point to talk about how low-brow and immature the picture was, as if that somehow meant anything. About as eloquent and insightful as picking up a glass of water and saying “Look! It is wet!”.
Yes, it is evident that this movie was not going for an Oscar (bullshit award without meaning, by the way) in the Best Picture category, shocker, but to bring up its juvenile humor as if it was inherently a detriment is terribly disingenuous and honestly a sign of some deep seated insecurities.

My question at the end of the day is, what is wrong with laughter? Are we not allowed to enjoy ourselves? What is wrong with some plain absurdity once in a while? The truth is, comedy is a craft, one that is not easy and takes even people who have a passion for it a long time to master. A lot of people out there think they’re funny and when faced with an audience will bomb hard, because there are so many factors involved in making people laugh.

This is why I found myself really enjoying this movie and decided I wanted to write about it, to let others know not to be discouraged by stupid, arbitrary numbers on websites for losers. It’s okay to laugh and enjoy yourself, sometimes all you really need is that laidback and unhinged humor that we weren’t afraid of in our highschool days. Miss March not only has a lot of it, but the quality of is really up there in my opinion. The timing on many of the gags is downright perfect and you couldn’t ask for a better duo to act it all out. This isn’t just another amateur teen-movie, it’s a very enjoyable ride that takes cues from classics like Dumb and Dumber.

All in all, I feel the raunchiness is overstated, it’s actually tamer in that sense than something like The Hangover, but it has the energy, the spirit and the upbeat humor of the best WKUK sketches and to me that’s a great compliment. I may be overselling it a bit, I don’t know. All I know is I loved it, I think it’s worth watching and I think you oughta give it a chance.

Thanks for reading, peace out and until next time!


Wasted my best years watching movies and now I write about it so you don’t have to.

I also make music, pretty cool huh?

The Horror In Hopelessness


The Tragedy In Our Everyday Lives