Lip Critic – Lip Critic: Truth Revealed

Lip Critic are an electronic breakbeat punk band from New York, New York. Incorporating elements of noise rock a la Death Grips, Lip Critic unleashed a torrent of fury on the powerful Lip Critic: Truth Revealed on July 16th, 2021.


The album opens with a torment of fury on Scammer. The dynamic interplay between the opposing pitch modulated vocals and the delirious soundscape is flaunt and quite distinctive. Shame is easily one of Lip Critic’s best. It’s both genuinely absorbing and miraculously creative. While the breakbeat elements are relatively outdated, they don’t feel restrictive to Lip Critic’s playful progression and creative detours. The track also detours from the vocals to experiment with its synthetics and soars every time it does. There’s a large throwback to the West Coast rap scene of the early 2000’s on Angel, which rocks punk-vocal delivery over its MF Doom-like suite. The band head more into a dance direction on Bike and Goose, though it only works on the former. The later closing track almost sounds like its taking a piss on the genre it’s emulating, though the synchronicity of the vocals and the crazy, twirling synthetics is somewhat off, resulting in a strangely underwhelming messy finale. Thankfully, it’s only 2 minutes long.


Whereas Lip Critic II devolved into more experimental, less structured and resultingly more fascinating sound collages, Lip Critic: Truth Revealed sticks much closer to the formula. The songs themselves are relatively straightforward in design, hardly offering anything outside of their breakbeat conventions. It’s similar to how every song post Exmilitary every Death Grips song started to sound the same. This may be a problem for Lip Critic moving forward, as in terms of song structures, it’s rather limiting. It doesn’t hurt Truth Revealed though, as the album is consistently banging from start to finish; like their previous release though, it’s simply too short.


Really Good

Listen to it here:

Lip Critic – Lip Critic: Truth Revealed

Lip Critic – Lip Critic: Truth Revealed


Lip Critic – Kill Lip Critic


Lip Critic - Lip Critic II