Wagon Lord - The Adventures of Banana Muffin and Cherry Head

One may be pleasantly surprised that The Adventures of Banana Muffin and Cherry Head is not another troll on Wagon Lord’s own fanbase. The album instrumentally feels like a collection of leftovers from Wagon Lord’s Jove’s Cove, albeit with a more non-sensical, comical approach to the lyrics. Funnily enough, it works entirely in the EP’s favour, which never feels like it’s trying to compete with Lord’s more serious counterparts.


As always, the production is abysmal. The Lord prides himself on his loyalty to Audacity, yet it’s the equivalent of thanking your master for not beating you senseless every time you sneed. This is a shame, because the range of moods and styles within the short EP are quite admirable. To The Markets’ is the Lord’s sweetest song; both instrumentally lush and melodically captivating. Had it been mixed and mastered proficiently, it could have easily been played on the airways. Regardless, it’s the biggest standout in the track-listing. Among the other standouts is The Song You Would Have Liked to Write For Me; the singing is quite timid and unpolished, but it’s pleasantly buried within an extensive, immaculate cascade of muted trumpets. To be fair, any time the Lord presents the trumpet it’s quite marvelous.


Bar the appalling mixing, It’s the lack of polish that truly hurts The Adventures of Banana Muffin and Cherry Head. It’s clear the Lord doesn’t care about bloating his discography with the musical equivalent of shovel-ware. This is a shame, though, as most of the ideas present are salvageable, with quite a few of them being commendable. The artist is so talented, that even his feaces contains pieces of gold. Too bad he eats his own shit.


Below Average

Listen to it here:


Wagon Lord - The Adventures of Banana Muffin and Cherry Head

Wagon Lord - The Adventures of Banana Muffin and Cherry Head


Wagon Lord - A Cool Album of MIDIs


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