Danila Kozyrev – тюрьма

Very often a child-like wonder is the perfect spice to an artist’s sauté; though maintaining a balance between whimsical imagination and matured execution can be a difficult feat. While many tracks produced by successful, unsinpired producers tend to rock highly refined skill, many underground artists tend to fall on the alternative side of the spectrum with poor-skill and insane creativity. Тюрьма is the perfect representation of that category.


A succulent wall of noise and dream-like synthetics are responsible for the alluring nature of tracks, such as первый день, я в комнату and Welcome to the Disco pt 3. Бросаю and избивают are the major highlights; both rich with texture and beautifully enfolded in ecstacy. While the textures themselves may be concretely experimental, the track structures tend to lazily revert to pop, such as during the tedious sorcerer or the otherwise-delightful Ups and Downs. Surprisingly, the longest songs do the structure justice, such as during the grandiose immi ball and только на сегодня. The exception to this is домой; a tedious test of patience. Only when Kozyrev breaks the conventional structure of pop does he demonstrate a magnificent blend of IDM and Vapourwave, but this happens infrequently.


Since the execution of Тюрьма tends to fluctuate, there’s less of an impact, despite the thoughtful textures. Additionally, the album is very heavily front-loaded and becomes tiresome toward the end. Had the album been condensed into a more digestible and creative composition, these gorgeous soundscapes would have been an easy recommendation. Nonetheless, Тюрьма is an admirable debut, and one should encourage Kozyrev to keep refining his skill and expanding upon his discography.


Above Average

Listen to it here:


Danila Kozyrev – тюрьма

Danila Kozyrev – тюрьма


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