Kyle John Kenowski – Living Alone
Kyle John Kenowski is an avid solo composer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His music blends classical music, psychedelia, folk-rock and pop. A small detour in Kenowski’s discography, Living Alone is an admirable experience ruined by an annoying audience.
It’s sad to say the biggest factor dragging Living Alone down is the recording environment itself. It’s difficult to fully immerse yourself in an environment where babies are crying, and the mic biasedly picks up on people murmuring in the audience. Here’s hoping Kenowski gives these songs the “Need Disease” treatment, however; as they are certainly more than deserving of it. In terms of composition, Photosynthetic and Stay Cripple rank among his best. Dwindle Minutes is fascinatingly fancy, Stay Cripple would have fit perfectly on Need Disease, and the brutal and raw lyricism of Stay Still is another fascinating glimpse into Kenowski’s personal struggles. Furthermore, to one’s delight, (despite being a live recording) Kenowski’s emotionally cathartic synthetics still play a role in enhancing Kenowski’s soundscapes. There’s still plenty of reasons to give it an ear.
Had the recording environment been cleaner, this live album would have certainly come with a recommendation, and it still does for any fan of Kenowski – though you should have lower expectations. One can only dream he returns to these songs in future.
Listen to it here: