DEEP DIVE DISCORD - Are you shivering?
The following compilation was assembled by members of the Yugo wave/Dark Wave DEEP DIVE Discord. The result was a mixed bag, of tracks ranging from quite poor to solid standouts, with a small favor for the latter category.
Burgeoning, by Cervine Birth, opens the album in a very disappointing fashion. Repetition, boring ideas and a baron soundscape result in a poor start to the compilation. Nonetheless, there are some standout moments. DIEYOUNAZISCUM by NOEYESFIEND has a gorgeous sound design that reels one in with plenty of eurphoric moments amongst its harsh, demonic soundscape. I Don't Want That Dream Again, by Fruit Machine, is blessed with two distinct sections; one of suspense, and one of chaos. It’s divided by an abrasive fusion of industrial avant-garde. Overly loud, Vay’s ASMRR is somehow still dense and digestable. The final two standouts are Eyeroll’s tracks towards the end; both songs have their interesting moments.
On the flip side, there are plenty of wasted opportunities. Heavy Whispers, by Scum Alice, is a boring sample of noise repeated for 2 minutes. The fact that Kiss of Revolution by sleepparalysis is a joke; the lack of harmony and repetitive synthetics only work to drain brain cells. Lastly, the final three tracks are completely disposable; all ideas that have been explored to death.
As mentioned in the introduction, there are plenty of neat moments that make Are you shivering? worthwhile. What it lacks in consistency and innovation, it makes up for in the variety aspect. If anything, search out the quality artists individually.
NOTE: No notepad, since it’s a compilation and all the tracks range quite a lot.
Listen to it here:
DEEP DIVE DISCORD - Are you shivering?