Tyler G. Cichy – Anisomorphism
Following a decent set of debuts under the name Tyler G. Cichy, the artist debuted on Ingrown Records with the proper LP Anisomorphism; an amalgamation of tracks that represent the artist well up until its release date of November 11th, 2021. The album was overflowing with gorgeous synths and well-structured, albeit short pieces. Gone are the DNB conventions, the hip-hop and the standard drum patterns; Cichy proved he was capable of so much more on Anisomorphism.
The range throughout Anisomorphism is impeccable. Claustrophic is anything but what the title describes – the track is colourful, vibrant and expansive. The stunning twirls of acoustics are key to completeignorance, an amusing avant-garde dnb piece. It’s evident beyond the intricate levels of electronica there’s a proficient classical composer, as can be observed through the stunning ioipjpeotgh and stroll. Cruise is jittery and frantic, as well as devilishly alluring. Nuke is phenomenal. Doinkb features compelling, off-beat intersections that are seriously amusing. Phi balances out its conventional dnb with subdue, gorgeous soundscapes. 404s replicates the magic of the early internet era, without stealing from it. The only disposable track in the track-listing is the longest one; Faustiangrumblings doesn’t do enough to warrant its length.
What makes Anisomorphism stand out beyond Cichy’s previous work is its impressive length. The album is coherent, and well-structured. The sound design is consistent throughout; hardly a single wasted moment throughout the 18 tracks. Furthermore, it’s incredibly hard to pick a favourite. If only the tracks were more fleshed out, though considering how lame the longest track is here, perhaps the shorter-track format works best. Anisomorphism is one of the most fascinating releases of 2021 and well worth your time.
Listen to it here:
Tyler G. Cichy – Anisomorphism