Swin Deorin - [SDx42] Chasing Shadows and Whispers
Genesis 6:5 states, “The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” Perhaps this is why God flooded Swin Deorin’s apartment, as cruel punishment for flooding his discography with an unnecessary amount of work. Unlike the pipes in Deorin’s apartment, I can withstand the pressure, and made it through [SDx42] Chasing Shadows and Whispers without breaking. According to local sources, I was unresponsive at one point with my eyes closed, though I detest it’s merely part of my reviewing process. This refined technique, unbeknownst to most, is the primary source of all grammatical errors on Deko.fm
1. Nile Roca – Quiet before the storm (of your house being flooded lmao)
2. Working On A Sunday –Despite being over 8 minutes this track floats along blissfully well, pun intended.
3. Black Rats Feast – Sounds like a man falling asleep (not an insult). Execution is fantastic. Love the dreamy ambience and subtle progression.
4. Bleach My Arms – Why do you have to put everything you’ve ever made onto Bandcamp? Why not select the best? Also, odd selection after three dreamlike opening tracks.
5. Nroth – We’ve now entered fluff territory. Very competently made, though.
6. Ripping Holes in Hessian – Great opener, fluffy middle, beautiful ending.
7. Run Yourself – Christ, you couldn’t help yourself, could you? Why not just take all your hard rock songs and make a hard rock album? You change your mind more than me when it comes to my sexuality.
8. Mercury Numbers – Forgettable filler
9. Ottom Uctus – Well made, but also forgettable
10. Warm Rain - Comfort in Impacts – We all know you were thinking warm cum when you made it. Such a beautiful, stylistic track. Love the acoustic instrumentation. Does a good job maintaining the vibe of the stronger tracks (first three). Should have kept this direction throughout, dude. Why did you ruin the vibe with Run Yourself fml. An album with songs like this could have been a GREAT ngl.
11. The Autumn Sunrise Game – I was going to give the album a Good before I got to this filler. Why is this thing 11 minutes long? Why?
12. Lungs Made of Tin Lids – Yikes, now you can’t recover from Above Average. Like, cool, you did a thing, but the experimentation is at the expense of ruining the album’s overall cohesion.
13. Ulerio Winds – More filler experimentation.
14. Chasing Shadows and Whispers – It’s official, these last four songs have dragged the album down to Below Average. It started off in Good, though by the end I couldn’t wait for it to be over.
15. I’m Not Here to Make Friends – Yeah, I know this is Sam Smith’s new song. Despite the controversy around the atrocious music video, I really like the song. It has a solid hook, and I hope people play it more than the dreadful Stay With Me I’ve been unfortunately bombarded with for the last god-awful 10 years.
In the description of – it writes:
“I suck at mastering.
Better under headphones”
No fucking shit, everyone’s music is better under headphones. Christ, you’d write anything to improve your chances at receiving receiving an Above Average score, wouldn’t you? Just so you know, I listen to everything on headphones, but decided to review this album through my monitor’s speakers just to spite you.
At the end of the day, I feel sorry for Swin Deorin. Partly because he’s 5’4 and low T, but also because he’s gone through an unnecessary amount of shit. I wouldn’t wish his plight on Nurse Ratched or Fantano. Sure, he may have far too many albums under his belt, but many of them are quite good; or at least have good moments. I spend more time sifting through his shit than waiting at the DMV. While he didn’t deserve for his apartment to get flooded, he does deserve a titty slap and three kicks to his wee little nutsack.
God, if you’re out there, next time flood his recording studio, so I have adequate time to record his discography.
Below Average
Listen to it here: