Mitchell Gonzalez - Leaving Town
Hailing from Miami, FL, Mitchell Gonzalez is a singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who incorporates elements from indie, folk, pop and lo-fi into easily digestible and wholesomely accessible music. His follow-up EP to Finite Sunshine of a Spotted Mind does a solid job of expanding upon Mitchell Gonzalez’s discography, matching the charming aesthetics of the first album by offering a small selection of well-crafted songs.
While it’s lacking originality, Leaving Town is irresistibly charming and flows gracefully. Each three songs are wholeheartedly delightful and toe-tappingly catchy. While his debut felt somewhat limited by the simple song structures, Leaving Town in unapologetic and makes the most of it. If the album was longer and of the same quality, it would easily come with a higher recommendation. Regardless, one should expect more from Gonzalez in future. The artist should take bigger risks on his next project, as all subsequent songs will be compared to the quality of these three singles. As an early project, one can forgive its simplicity. It’s worth checking out at its short length.
Listen to it here:
Mitchell Gonzalez - Leaving Town