Arxthiri - Pray For Us Sinners EP
Pray For Us Sinners EP was released on March 25th, 2022, by Arxthiri, a new vapourwave artist to the scene.
The album begins with typical ambient fluff on You’ll Wait For Me?; thankfully, it leads well into Heavy Rain Against The Hills. Despite its trance elements, the latter song is rather subdue in nature, yet constantly stimulating. The verses are very strong, yet the bridges are cheesy and repetitive, as is the whole song which doesn’t offer anything new outside repetition beyond the 2-minute mark. Pray For Us Sinners is again, more boring fluff, as is the obnoxious Pray For Us Sinners (Instrumental) which is the same boring song with the vocal fluff layered over the top.
Pray For Us Sinners EP is an obnoxious EP in which one good idea is sandwiched between an absurd amount of ambient fluff. Moreover, the album has not a single original idea, nor a style to brag about. Greatly disappointing.
Really Bad
Listen to it here: