S. Rabbit - Pusher

S. Rabbit is an indie bedroom folk composer from Savannah, Georgia. While the songs are produced to a higher standard, and there’s a noticeable improvement in vocal delivery, Pusher cannot help sound relatively plain. Whereas The House We Got Home To was more emotionally brutal and expansive in its length, Pusher is relatively short and unmemorable. There are certainly some strong songs, such as the incandescent and melancholic-yet-cheery Whelm, though there’s very little that stands out. This is to the fault of the artist, though, who has released more of the same.


There’s an undeniable charm to Pusher, and the artist certainly has enough charisma to compete with other bands of similar nature, but sonically the work does very little to differentiate itself from the competition. Funnily enough, on Activities of Daily Living, S. Rabbit sings about how she’s not willing to move towards a more fulfilling sound; comical as it may be, here’s hoping she will.


Below Average

Listen to it here:


S. Rabbit - Pusher

S. Rabbit - Pusher


Neopoliten - Neapolitan


Инсектарий Веспос - Мажется