Desert Mammoth – No Sense Reality
Desert Mammoth are a psych-rock noise band from Phoenix, Arizona. Much of the album is derived from the output of Slint, Drive Like Jehu, Rodan and Big Black. While it’s missing its own distinct personality, No Sense Reality does offer a varied and well-balanced palette of fascinating moods and styles.
The album exceeds at dynamic composition; the tension-release dynamic is admirable not only between the tracks, but within the songs themselves; most notably during Perspective of a Blind Man. When the band experiments with eclectic instrumentation, such as during The Lucky Spiral and the proceeding song, the band exceeds at forming their own personality; if only the rest of the album followed suit. The vocals, rarely close and personal, are consistently fiery and ferocious. Sadly, as the album progresses, the vocals lose momentum; by Emily There’s a Parasite they’re rather flat, or at least lacking in confidence. Thankfully, the instrumentation and songwriting is still exceptionally strong right until its fantastic closer, Imaginary Friends.
Had this album been released in the 90’s, it would have undeniably stood the test of time. Unfortunately, there’s not enough sonic distinction to revive the genre. Nevertheless, the execution is incredible, as is every member of the band’s instrumental ability. If the band can find its own distinct sound, at least via a shift in production, there is zero doubt the band will exceed. As it stands, No Sense Reality boasts an extremely impressive atmosphere and consistent display of talent; for a debut, it’s amazingly impressive.
Really Good
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