A Kind Remark - An Example of an Example
A Kind Remark is a solo artist from Sweden. Released on October 14, 2021, An Example of an Example was an impressive debut layered with gorgeous synthetics and memorable melodies. One might be surprised how good the album is despite it’s bland artwork. Typically associated with poor lo-fi efforts, the artist’s self-rendition is unimaginative and plain, though the music itself is quite the opposite.
It’s a matter of preference, though one could argue A Kind Remark’s greatest luring factor is its vocalist, who is both expressive and identifiable. Despite being from Sweden, his vocals are clear and carry each song. The sudden transition to falsetto during Heart on My Sleeve is a neat example of his talents. Additionally, the lo-fi aesthetic works in its favour. The album works best when it incorporates electronic elements or sample use, such as during the beautiful schizophrenic opener. Very Dog is a psychedelic treat; both playful and expressive. Its wonky aesthetics are the perfect company to the pitch-modulated rambles and off-beat progression. Variations on the Letter "A" features neat field recordings and sample use accompany an impressive, schizophrenic overture. Very Animal Collective-like. Soppan Kvarstår displays quite standard songwriting, though works surprisingly well due to its excellent variety of percussive samples and shimmery synths. More impressive is its eerie, atmospheric outro, which flows gorgeously into the further-hypnotic Skrik Panik. Finally, I'm Sure That True Love Is Real is an Of Montreal-lite synthetic delight. Creative instrumental sections are delightful, as it the overall aesthetic.
Some of the album sounds disappointingly one-note. And Hide is quite plain for the most part, but makes up for it with its gorgeous, busy instrumental end section. Lekamensförvaltaren is nothing but an instrumental filler. Lastly, the album overall is lacking in production quality. It cannot help sound overly- amateurishtic, though not without heart. Regardless, the album is a solid debut effort. I can’t wait to see what A Kind Remark is brewing next.
Listen to it here:
A Kind Remark - An Example of an Example