The Doctors of Philosophy - The Clandestine Valley (Demo)


The Clandestine Valley (Demo) was a 20 minute EP released on June 8th, 2021, by The Doctors of Philosophy. While it hardly deviated from the canon of psychedelic blues/rock, it had some cool moments.


Unfortunately, most of the instrumentation was sloppy during the opener, Heizeimer, though the unintentional dissonance was quite enjoyable. Furthermore, the progression was admirable. Sadly, it gets stale after a while. Of the three remaining tracks, Red Eye Fly was the most memorable, thanks to its slapping bass work. Unfortunately, like the majority of tracks though, it fluffs around too much.


It’s evident that these collections of songs were demos; thus, it’s difficult to recommend them in their current state. Moreover, the lack of mixing fails to bring out the life in the instrumentation. It’ll be interesting to see where The Doctor of Philosophy go next; here’s hoping they try something a little more innovative, though. Even if they tighten the compositions, the lack of identity will make the struggle to stand out.



Listen to it here:

The Doctors of Philosophy - The Clandestine Valley (Demo)


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