Gynoid - The Hunger Artist Show
Gynoid are a noise rock/sludge metal trio from Thessaloniki, Greece. Blending the realms of post-hardcore and noise rock in a meaningful and exciting way, Gynoid’s The Hunger Artist Show is the result of morphing Daughter’s sludgy wastelands into a more streamlined package.
The standout of the album is clearly Garbageman (Apeman). Interplaying comedic, imaginative grooves with ferocious riffs, the song simply kicks ass. My Pet Worms also rocks a fairly standard songwriting formula, though boasts an exceptionally energic performance to suit. Scissorman and Mannequin are fairly standard compared to the tracklisting, though both offer moments of shear velocity and plenty of energy. The closer, My Mirror, My Master, experiments more with the dynamic tension-release mechanics of post-hardcore. The song harkens back to the glory days of Slint far too similarly and highlights the only problem with the album; it lacks a unique identity.
Gynoid have demonstrated on The Hunter Artist Show that sasscore is still relevant and has plenty to offer. It’s sound is lacking in the innovation department, though its compositions are vibrant and full of life. Additionally, Spyro’s vocals are electric and overflowing with energy, perfectly enhancing the material; his screams are consistently captivating, and his range very impressive.
Really Good
Listen to it here: