Inside Girl - All These Mistakes Were Made For You
The REM-inspired Inside Girl released All These Mistakes Were Made For You on January 20th, 2021. Overall, the album is an amalgamation of every tired and overdone folk-punk trope of the past 40 years.
It’s worst song, Living in Sin, is a parody of surf punk rock and sounds like an awful mix of the Clash and the movie Grease. Its omission could have greatly improved the rating of All These Mistakes Were Made For You. Alas. Secondly, the mixing severely drags the experience down. While some of the compositions are playful and their progressions admirable, much of the experience is marred by cardboard tom’s and an overall flat balance in the EQ. Moreover, much of the album overlays surrounding vocals in a tired and cliché manner, as if Inside Girl were trying to make every song “sing-along-able.” It’s dull, and greatly hurts the experience.
The opening song to All These Mistakes Were Made For You is quite enjoyable, and demonstrates the band is clearly capable of producing imaginative riffs and engaging progressions; it’s a shame the band seem more intent on being popular than poignant. Here’s hoping the band can step it up on their next release.
Below Average
Listen to it here: