Lyndon Blue – Wet Paint

Lyndon Blue are an exquisite duo of musicians from Australia. Despite incorporating lush arrangements of drums and saxophones, their music is sadly mostly reliant on electronics. As a result, their debut LP Wet Paint contains a disappointing mix of psychedelic pop singles that rely more heavily on their conventional traditions than the obvious talent of their musicians.


This is most apparent on Wet Paint Pt. 1; a gorgeous opener that could have easily been expanded upon. While it’s lacking jams, Hold Music is the most enjoyable single on the album; the Australian sing-along vocals are well implemented among the dreamy, tasteful vibes. Weird Horizon and Little Scroll both attempt to delve into futuristic, unconventional territories, though unfortunately are held back by their attempt to replicate the disco-tendencies of Arto Lindsay. Much of the album suffers from this dilemma.


This is a shame, as the band are clearly experienced in production and instrumentation. For example, the short, amicable jam smack bang in the middle of Weird Horizon is a delight. Many of the tracks are too short, though, and offer little of substance. As mentioned earlier in the review, the musicians often feel heavily underutilised in lieu of the insipid disco framework. Perhaps if Lyndon Blue were less concerned with replicating the past, they’d be able to produce something more original and inspired. I encourage them to mix their influences, and not just copy the Talking Heads.


Slightly Below Average

Listen to it here:

Lyndon Blue – Wet Paint

Lyndon Blue – Wet Paint


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