Psythoness – nearfutureseam

With bolder sonic textures and a clearer vocal mix, nearfutureseam could have been an extendable album. The writing, instrumentally and sonically, both satisfy, though leave wishing this was in the hands of an experienced producer.


The album starts strong with the first two tracks, though quickly degrades in quality. Too many songs feel like scrapped material, such as nabide [html] / unavailable, i forgot to remember to forget and SELFHELPDIAGNOSTICS. Vocals ruin otherwise solid songs such as jediah and another love thing / reprogram. Sample use is frequent, and very inconsistent. Nickelback4’s use of Nickleback is lazy and obnoxious. by-03 103 ( residence ) is briefly amusing, though mostly frustrating."kool song dude" incorporates some of the most benign samples, as does burning with its frustrating loop in the first half. There are plenty of neat moments, such as when the formerly mentioned song opens into a satisfying electronic mirage of electronic keys and cloudy soundscapes. This style continues on the imaginative Dumb eyesore; the band clearly have a good style, they’re just inconsistent at achieving it. Furthermore, sometimes it sounds like the lyrics came first, such as on SELFHELPDIAGNOSTICS.


Nearfutureseam could have been a notable album in the hands of a more competent producer. It’s got a solid foundation, though a messy execution. One can’t help imagine this is because of the lacklustre Bladee influences. If only the artist was inspired by more proficient acts.



Listen to it here:

psythoness – nearfutureseam


Water Gun Water Gun Sky Attack – Let
