Glitter Gore – Friends
Glitter Gore are a witch house/breakcore group from an unknown location of the world. It’s a shame there is so little information around Glitter Gore, since their works are well polished and deserving of attention. Their debut, Friends, is a stunning surprise in the over-saturated field of IDM and witch house.
TERRAS OUIJA BOARD boasts a dynamic and thoughtfully progressive composition. The conventions of breakcore are used simply as a means to an end. It nails the demented and haunting atmosphere, despite the framework being a bit restrictive. Another instance of this can be observed during POLTERGEIST, which develops into demented and nerve-wracking atmospheres, but it sticks to its beats to closely. Much could be said for the rest of the album, though this is where the criticism ends; Friends is overflowing with interesting ideas and admirably exotic soundscapes. ORD VAGG does it much more innovatively, with its nauseas clamour amidst its cinematic and haunting backdrop. Some ideas sound slightly rushed and undeveloped, such as the abrupt ending of TRUANCY, though many ideas are explored to a fulfilling length, most notably during angel_pit. It can’t help but sound like copy pasta during many intervals, like the second half of STRAYS, though the progressive fluency and charismatic flow certainly make up for its shortcomings on the composition.
For a debut, Friends is incredibly admirable. While at times it’s a bit conventional, it nonetheless boasts its own impressive personality, and the soundscape sounds truly unique to the artist. In future releases, it’d be great to see Glitter Gore tackle longer and further-fleshed out songs; though for now, Friends delivers on all fronts.
Listen to it here:
Glitter Gore – Friends