Menthol Slim - Astronaut
Released on October 12th, 2016, Astronaut was one hell of a strong debut from Menthol Slim. Despite being an earlier release in Slim’s discography, the quality is equally as strong as the artist’ latest releases. At first glance, Astronaut may seem like a concept album based on space, though at a closer look it’s clear the album is far more carnal in nature. This works greatly to the album’s advantage, though, as the mood is devilishly enticing.
Take Off is one impressive opener. If the production was stronger and the song was pushed by a label, it could easily dominate the airways. Yo Mamma House boasts many modern trap tropes, though its respectful use of space and gorgeous contrast to the tracklist makes it a standout. Go Home is a beautiful example of how Slim’s vocals alone can carry a song, featuring a outstanding flow of verses that explore an impressive range of dynamics. All features add an increidbly balanced assortment of styles that are all admirably fitting. Slim’s vocals soar on Bands and Sayonara. Long Nights is as smooth as butter, as does the combo No No and Trina Play Me. If the album was more proficiently mixed and mastered, it would come with an even stronger recommendation. Furthermore, there are some filler tracks, such as Fell in Love and Is U Ready?, though these can be forgiven amidst the overall strong track-listing.
Astronaut is bolstered by a clear vision, and an overwhelming amount of personality. Unlike later releases by Slim, there is a greater focus verses, as opposed to hooks and choruses. This highlights the artist’s impressive vocal talents. While the mixing is noticeably weaker than future releases, the album soars high thanks to its gorgeous atmosphere and smooth execution. There’s a graceful flow from start to finish, and despite its lengthy runtime, it rarely feels like it repeats itself. The features are all spot-on and complement the primary vocalist remarkably well. While sometimes the vocals are not as confident, they consistently offer Slim’s unique and impressive style and flow. A remaster would easily bump this up a tier. Nonetheless - enjoy it in its current state.
Really Good
Listen to it here: