Careus - In absentia
In absentia, by Careus and not Porcupine Tree, was a small, forgettable EP released June 23rd, 2022.
This was partly due to the benign production and standard songwriting. Transilvanian Hunger (Darkthrone) blends dark keys and ecstatic guitar work, yet the overall mix is flat and banal. A flat production also prevented Vita from lifting off the ground; a song with a wall of noise that is difficult to discern over its loud ambient walls of noise. In a similar fashion, the ecstatic shriels of guitars are barely audible on Memento mori. Lastly, while Post Mortem features an excellent drum roll and a smooth guitar solo, its soundscape is copy-pasted from the canon of black metal.
It’s difficult to review the compositions when the production is so abysmal. Nonetheless, the album presents nothing new outside the conventions of black metal. You’d be better of relistening to Deafheaven.
Listen to it here: