Fizzy in Research – Friends in Their Pajamas
Despite relying on the aesthetics of cheesy dial-up era trends, Fizzy in Research have notably cultivated a sound of their own among a baron, over-saturated and unsatisfying electronic market. It’s not without its flaws, but it’s admirably charming.
Friends in Their Pajamas is pure creativity restrained by its accessible format and amateurish producer. The album fantastically bends footwork by intertwining midi liturgies with bona fide artistic bleeps and bloops, yet sadly it over-relies on its conventional framework. It’s not without its highlights, though; songs that work mostly because they incorporate progressions. Such standouts are the impressive opener So it Begins, the alluring vibes of Good Day, or the wonky trills of slowed drums on No One Cares.
Yet too much of the album is fluff and leaves a rather sour taste in the mouth. Porropa Linvision is monotonously stagnant, Get Through is an obnoxious joke, and Untitled doesn’t even deserve to be a B-side. Much of the album is concerned with being edgy in lieu of authentic expression or suffers from an abhorrently poor execution. Moreover, too many songs are one idea stretched out thin, and the album never reaches its full potential.
Nonetheless, the wonky electronic manipulation and glitchy synths are a pleasure to listen to throughout. There’s certainly an undeniable creative charm than can excuse some of the flat instrumentation and unpolished melodies. Ultimately, it sounds like it was made by children, evident by its lack of refinement and unrestricted creativity. If Fizzy in Research can break beyond their substandard songwriting and amateurish song structures, they would be capable of delivering something noteworthy.
Listen to it here:
Fizzy in Research – Friends in Their Pajamas