Digighouls – Nocturne

DiGiGHOULS, composed of many different internet rappers, is a group that prides itself as the pioneers of crushed trap. What defines this genre is debatable, though DiGiGHOULS claim that crushed trap differs from trap due to its squashed bitrate. Thankfully, Digighouls have finally ditched the crushed trap aesthetic on Nocturne, perhaps after finally realising how awful it sounded. Instead, the album veers into more interesting and varied soundscapes with a fresh lineup and a strong lick of paint; the result may surprise some readers.


Slow Dance is a strong start to the album. While the trills and skrtts are cliché, they add quite well to the vibe. The soft spoken delivery and careful sample placement make Vampire Gang quite enjoyable, despite its tacky and somewhat disjointed vulgar theme. Whereas Digighoul’s lyricism veneered in cringeworthy categories before, they somewhat add a delightful comedic effect to Nocturne. Skeletons contains a basic rap delivery, but boasts strong synthetic vibes, especially towards the end. It may be greatly lacking in substance, but Digighoul’s simultaneously dark and dreamy atmosphere is quite admirable. The second half of the mixtape is not quite as strong; Witchcraft is filler, and so is Bible Black, but the latter is rather enjoyable. The crushed trap aesthetic returns on Send You to Hell and You Don’t Got No Magic, for no other reason but to degrade the quality of the album. Furthermore, as the album progresses towards the end, the songwriting goes from boring and cliché to lazy and awful. Thankfully, the experience is saved by the closer, #SkrttSkrtt, which contains enough trap tropes and humour to put a smile on one’s face.



One could go as far to say these songs are in the good category, however; in dropping the crushed trap aesthetic, Digighouls have lost the only component making their work stand out in the first place. Despite the solid lineup of rappers, the work cannot help sound formulaic and indifferent from the genres that inspired it. However, there are plenty of enjoyable lines in the mixtape, as well as some undeniably creative and catchy moments. If Digighouls can keep the hustle up, they may surprise everyone even further with their next release. They are beginning to show they are capable of producing some neat work.


Above Average

Listen to it here:


Digighouls – Nocturne

Digighouls – Nocturne


MASTER BOOT RECORD – Internet Protocol


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