Zgazime - Gaze Gaze Gaze
Zgazime is a DIY bedroom noise rock artist from Croatia. His debut, Gaze Gaze Gaze, features some of his best work, but also some of his blandest.
The album opens up with Newgaze; a track that despite its title, doesn’t really offer anything new in the innovation department. It does, however, boast a heavy, absorbing soundscape. Moreover, it’s lead into clint eastwood; upucani bandit is solid, though the subsequent track is lacking in energy. Furthermore, it fluffs about in its second half. Perhaps this is the point of drone compositionally, though the problem is the artist offers nothing new in his soundscapes. The flow is once again miraculous into razmišlja o poljima suncokreta, the most fascinating track on the album. The subdue moments are perfectly balanced by the faster-paced percussive sections, all the while maintaining a perfectly laid-back vibe. Frendovi daleko ste; tj kolokviranje is another standout, thanks to its brilliant crescendo and phenomenal climax. Two phenomenal songs that prevent the album from scoring lower. Laku noć comes close, though its sound design is quite ordinary.
It’s evident from the standout tracks on Gaze Gaze Gaze and his most recent release that Zgazime is much better suited to heavier compositions. This is not to say he can’t do post rock and drone well; he just can’t do it uniquely. His noise is his saving grace. Perhaps if the artist were to return to the more droney elements of the album, he could muster some innovation via the production, though compositionally it’d still be a retread. Thankfully, his debut does offer some shoegaze, to which it exceeds at. Overall, Gaze Gaze Gaze is a solid debut worth listening to by anyone curious of the artist, though you’d be better off listening to Earth than the first half of the album.
Above Average
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