Wincing - B_perksofwar EP
Wincing are an alternative post-punk band from NSW, Australia. Taking in influences of grunge, post-rock, psychellic and new wave; their music is more than just an accumulation of styles; it’s wholly unique and thoroughly enjoyable.
- From A_workingpoor EP
Unknownbnwonknu boasts an impressive bass-line, beautiful riffs, and some well scattered electronica. The outro to the track is divine, and leads well into b.holed – a straight forward affair with some alluring post-rock elements. The composition is much safer than any track on A_workingpoor EP, but the arrangements are just as notewrothy. Satanspunkrocksuicidepysop incorporates some impressive electronical vocal manipulation and superbly scattered high frequencies; its composition and progression are admirable but overall, the song lacks impact. Much could be said about the first two thirds of Sugary, though the finale minute or so are divine and boost the album.
While it still has a lot of personality, B_perksofwar EP sadly relies far too much on the conventions Wincing’s first EP successfully strayed away from. The tracks are still masterfully composed and boast impressive compositions, though feel rather austere and plain when compared to the first Wincing EP. Overall, these are essentially the B-sides to the spectacular first EP.
Above Average
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