Pomzy - An Unattainable Utopia

IDM is often a difficult genre to review, considering the bulk of the genre has already been explored thoroughly, a recommendation can only come from its enjoyability. On Pomzy’s An Unattainable Utopia, the artist demonstrates that a lack of innovation is not always a bad thing. Released on October 15th, 2021; the album was a pleasant surprise.


Ideas constantly weave in and out throughout An Unattainable Utopia, though to one’s amazement, the progression always sound natural. Moreover, unlike many other hyperpop albums, ideas are explored to a satisfying length. Most fascinating is the extremely large array of sounds present; not only are there a plethora of samples utilised, but a captivating array of sounds to compliment them.;


An Unattainable Utopia’s main fault is its production. You can tell this album was cultivated by an amateur; the stereo mix is often muddy, and sadly there is clipping throughout. A solid remix and remaster would do the album justice in future. Secondly, the lengthy mid-piece fluffs about far too much. Surprisingly, it’s the shorter tracks that steal the show. While the centrepiece is an interesting listen, it sadly ruins the flow of the album.


Lastly, while the composition of the genre is limited, the sound design on An Unattainable Utopia is fresh. This is mostly due to the frantic sound design choices. As mentioned before: it can’t help sound amateurish. With enough time to flourish, however, Pomzy may just be the next pioneer of electronica.



Listen to it here:


Pomzy - An Unattainable Utopia


Hunki Dori – Reverie
