Slave Beaver Revolt - Escape the Body

Slave Beaver Revolt is an alternative punk-rock suite from Melbourne, Australia. Unlike other punk-revival bands in the scene, Slave Beaver Revolt excel due to their admirable production, tight execution, and extensive use of electronic synth work. Their fifth and latest effort, Escape the Body, contains some of their best work.


Deluge features tight drumming, delirious demonic vocal work, and ravishing riff-work ala the guitar. I See Plastic is somewhat missing a climax, though boasts a venerable atmosphere. Dirty First St. magnificently bounces between new-wave and punk, toying with its tension-release dynamic like a child incongruently building a structure out of legos and playdough – the result is fascinating. Like the previous song, it’s somewhat missing a climax, though. Bystander Effect is the ultimate follow-up, with its brilliant venom-like vocals and cathartic prog-rock guitars. Unfortunately, the rest of the album doesn’t have the same impact; while Within Grasp keeps the energy high, it fails to add any new ideas to the track listing, and 24/78 is a whimper of an outro.


There’s little to fault with Escape the Body, though unwittingly it is capable of so much more. Much of the songwriting is very restrictive, resulting in somewhat repetitive song structures. If Slave Beaver Revolt can avoid this trap with future releases, their work will undoubtfully exceed. Even as it stands, their work is exceptionally high in quality, and well worth checking out.



Listen to it here:

Slave Beaver Revolt - Escape the Body

Slave Beaver Revolt - Escape the Body


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