Ajedi - Aurora
Ajedi is a solo producer from Switzerland. His latest work combines drum n bass, alternative rock, EDM, metal and stoner rock. Unlike Ajedi’s earlier works, though; Aurora recycles a lot of ideas and unimaginative riffs into a project that is so austere, the excellent production cannot save it.
There are some exceptions. Sun is a gorgeous, yet simple psychedelic opener. The vocals are a great direction for Ajedi. Furthermore, the song incorporates tight drum programming with a simple, yet smooth soundscape. Following is Radiation, which blends these psychedelic soundscapes in an interesting spectacle, with a solid payoff. Black Hole is solid nu-metal, as it creatively explores the possibilities electronic manipulation has on thrash. Mars is neat – despite being a straightforward rock song akin to Smashing Pumpkins, the off-beat percussion add much needed flair. Saturn boasts an aesthetically pleasing, spacey soundscape; though it’s familiar territory – especially the generic riffs. Lastly, Cryosleep is wildly imaginative and beautifully balances its metal elements with a chill-wave EDM aesthetic. If only the rest of the album followed suit.
Unfortunately, the remaining album is sterile and devoid of life. There are times where the production is solid, but the composition is so straightforward it kills the song, such as during Bliss. Furthermore, Bliss’ electronically manipulated beats, much like Black Hole, are interesting, but the composition itself doesn’t take as much of a risk. The riffs continue in a plain manner when the beats get creative; if only they weren’t trying to simultaneously be a conventional rock song. Sample use through the album is boring and at times lazy, such as during Earth and Coronal Mass Ejection. Too often the album’s riffs and drum placements feel too-copy pasted, such as during Mercury and Wormhole. At times, songs rely far too heavily on their gimmicks, such as Venus. The album is a chore to get through and relies far too heavily on its space aesthetic.
While the blending of metal and drum and bass in imaginative, Ajedi’s compositions are far too plain on Aurora. If only the album didn’t so plainly rely on the conventions of metal and d’n’b; the songs very often rely on repeated elements that don’t have the kick of live acoustic instrumentals. The tracks with Ajedi’s vocals have quite a lot of personality compared to the sample use; hopefully Ajedi will explore the singer-songwriter format more in future. His production is incredible, and it’d be a shame for it to go to waste. As it stands, Aurora is his weakest work.
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