Kill Tuco - The Safe Word Is Humuhumunukunukuapua'a
Punk Rock is certainly far from dead in the current era, though it’s undeniably an oversaturated market. When it comes to making a standout standard punk record in the current era, less is more, akin to Joyce Manor’s self-titled debut. A sharp, digestible album with a tight selection of hit songs can often save-face from an otherwise uninventive album. The Safe Word Is Humuhumunukunukuapua'a, by Kill Tuco, is exactly that.
Drift Catcher is fiery opener to the album. It’s balanced sublimely by the subdue Down with The Ship, with its fuzzy guitars and strong choruses. The variation throughout is quite admirable, such as the jammy A Little Sunshine, the whistle-led Skin Hymn and Love in Passing, and the intense sing-along What’s the Problem?. Most impressive is the vocal performance, which is consistently high in energy and charming in personality. The vocalist alone raises the EP to great heights. Furthrmore, each song is sharp, simple, well produced and very effective. Hardly a wasted moment.
Though sadly, there’s hardly an inventive moment, as the album recycles many ideas from the canon of rock music. It does what it does extremely well, and I would imagine it sounds brilliant live; though it’s hard to recommend it over more original modern rock acts. Here’s hoping their next release challenges the norm.
Listen to it here:
Kill Tuco - The Safe Word Is Humuhumunukunukuapua'a