The Artificial Pine – Wild Shivers
The Artificial Pine, previously known as Epiglottis, is an ambient producer from Kraków, Poland. Following a series of wasted potential, the man whose discography knows no limits demonstrates once again he’s an artist worth taking seriously with Wild Shivers, an impeccable progression from his earlier works.
Incorporating a mixture of drums, bass guitars, and other acoustics, The Artificial Pine masterfully cultivates a transcendal atmosphere on Wild Shivers. The opener, Consecration, beautiful progresses into an amalgamation of instrumentation, similar to the great climaxes of Godspeed You! You Black Emperor. While also its greatest strength, it struggles to form its own identity next to its influencers, yet the piece is somewhat timeless. The blending of ambience and acoustics is just as divine on Disgorge, which embraces the listener within its breezy, subdue environment. The song continuously expands upon its layering with strong orchestic instrumentation and lively percussive finale. For the first two suites, the acoustics steal the show, though the finale Shivering focuses more on the ambience. The mixing is divine, the ambience warm, and the overall arrangements are impeccable. Regardless of whether the ambience is minimal or on the forefront, it’s exceptionally well balanced, and seldom feels like an afterthought.
The Artificial Pine has developed one exquisite range and palate over the years, demonstrating he’s perfectly capable of producer much more than air. The artist is far too consistent in his output, though, releasing nine albums to date in 2021 – and it’s not even halfway through the year. The fact the artist is capable of producing such fine work in a short period of time is a testament to the producer’s skills, though he would undoubtly be far better off compiling his works in a grander suite, à la The Saturnine Firmament. The album’s main fault is its disappointing length. Furthermore, without these periods of rest in between his releases, Mr Pine is exhausting his audience. Nonetheless, Wild Sivers comes with a solid recommendation.
Listen to it here: