The Savage Young Taterbug - Journeyman's Cheddar

The Savage Young Taterbug is an alternative indie-psychedelic band from Los Angeles, California. Released independently in 2013, Journeyman's Cheddar was a neat detour in the artist’s discography for a cleaner sound and a more experimental take on his own sound.


The album begins with a twirl of electronica; almost like a frenzied man filliping through tv channels while slowly losing signal. It’s an incredibly strong and memorable start, one that’s prolifically expanded upon by a maniac laughing hysterically for a quarter of the tape. Most sections throughout are short yet satisfying. The album works best when it’s having fun, such as the undeniably jammy section around the 9th minute mark where the artist portrays a nonsensical vocal melody over a powerful, ravishing wall of sound and chaotic soundscape. The album ends with its weakest idea; while it sounds lovely after the madness that preceded it, it didn’t have quite enough noise prior to feel like the release it should have been.


The most puzzling aspect to Journeyman’s Cheddar is why it’s considered an LP over the artist’s numerous other releases. Nonetheless, while it’s nice to see the artist try new things on this record, it’s still more of the same. In some ways, that’s a good thing; The Savage Young Taterbug is an incredibly pleasurable artist to listen to. On the flipside, one should encourage the artist to make tapes longer than 15 minutes. He’s capable of so much more.



Listen to it here:

The Savage Young Taterbug - Journeyman's Cheddar


The Savage Young Taterbug - River Mortis


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