Kyle John Kenowski - Themes w/o Variations
Kyle John Kenowski is an avid solo composer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His music blends classical music, psychedelia, folk-rock and pop. Focusing more on synthetics and regal harmonies, Kenowski’s Themes w/o Variations is his weakest work due to the lack of personality and style that makes his works stand out so much in the first place.
What may be most disappointing about Themes w/o Variations is the associated video clip. While there are certainly some neat moments towards the end, much of the music video literally relies on the midi components to transverse. Any moment Kenowski ditches these in favour of hand-drawn animative moments, it works quite stunningly, but they’re far few in between. Had these spectacular moments, such as the demented elderly faces and environmentally shifting landscapes, been condensed into a shorter suite, it would have come with a higher recommendation.
Sadly, the project doesn’t work as a dedicated listen, either. There are certainly some neat moments, such as Rave (wait for it) and Trapped, but without Kenowski’s gorgeous acoustic guitar or his marvellous voice, there’s very little to differentiate Themes w/o Variations from other similar projects devised of midi instrumentals. Not only is it missing character, it’s missing depth. Had these synthetics been used in conjunction with other styles in other works, they would have worked flawlessly – sadly, they are far too baron on their own.
One of Kenowski’s strongest traits as a composer is his ability to seamlessly intertwine electronica and acoustic folk into pieces that are both meaningful and emotionally honest. Themes w/o Variations doesn’t hold a candle to Kenowski’s other works – not even his rougher, less refined pieces. It’s missing the character that makes his work so special in the first place. I’d highly recommend starting with one of his stronger works before listening to Themes w/o Variations, and only if you’re as desperate as I am for more Kyle John Kenowski.
Below Average
Listen to it here: