Digital Jockey – RUSSYAWAVE
I’m always in the mood for neat, experimental Russian artists whose names I can never pronounce. Ever since Insectoid Vespos took by storm, I’ve kept a keen eye on the country. What I can never stand, however, is boring vapourwave; regardless of the country.
Because it doesn’t matter where the turd originates from; it’s always a turd. It could have pieces of corn in it in line with the American diet, or a spicy flavour from India; it’ll always be a turd. In this case, there are some neat Russian aesthetics through RUSSYAWAVE; though I would have much rather heard the authentic Russian pieces in their original state. To top off the shit sandwich are meaningless transitions where the artist obnoxiously cuts the song, only to return to the exact same beat/sample. It feels like a cherry on top, though of course, it can’t save the dish.
Taking someone else’s work, slowing it down by 50% and slapping some beats over it is the laziest thing an artist can do. They don’t deserve a proper review for an afternoon’s worth of work. Thankfully, the underground scene has been killing it lately, though seemingly the universe is balancing it out with ludicrous dribble. Avoid this at all costs.
Listen to it here: