The Good Doctor - Suffering Silence

The Good Doctor caught me by surprise last year during my old /Feedback & Shill/ streams. Could his EP, released July 10th, 2020, unbeknownst to me, deliver the same quality?


Miraculously so. The barrage of guitars and synths on Tales From The Bathroom Floor are exquisite. The song starts benign, though quickly descends into madness. More impressive are the torment of samples throughout Salt Bath Sores, which blend together seamlessly. The song boasts a marvellous progression, as do most compositions on Suffering Silence. The build-up is subtler on The Fevered Manger Pt. 1, and more classically composed with an elegant palette. The Fevered Manger Pt. 2 continues the trend in a cheeky regression of the build-up, instead distracting you with its dazzling electronics. You Deserved It sounds a little-too mashup; a song composed of incoherent ideas ha and weak transitions, saved by mesmerising midway section. Too bad it relies on Godspeed You’s Sleep (2000).


The Good Doctor’s Bandcamp bio states: “Noisey, illustrative industrial music.” Appropriately labelled, and just the type of shit I like. If only it were longer. Hopefully the artist resurfaces from wherever he/she is hiding.



Listen to it here:

The Good Doctor - Suffering Silence


Selfish Dream - Every Word Unspoken


Talk Show - The Politics of Passion