Tyler Cichy – Fake
Tyler Cichy, previously known as Half-Baked Human, has been releasing new material under a different name, presumably due to a change in styles. Whereas the artist previously released breakcore, his new work could be considered almost exclusively ambient. In his transition between genres, no artistic fingerprint has been transferred over, resulting in a neat, yet underdeveloped and underwhelming EP lacking in personality.
Fake was released on September 17th, 2021, a day after More. Considering the brevity between the two albums, it’s a wonder why they weren’t combined. There are subtle electronic marvels throughout Covalence, though the majority of the track waffles in its repetition. Down is noticeably better, with a soundscape that fills full of life. Suffice to say, the sound design on Fake is beautiful; it’s just work we’ve heard plenty of times over in the 4th world craze of the 80’s.
It’d be a shame for Cichy to completely disregard his musical journey until this point for a more over-saturated genre. If the artist could combine both his past and future visions, he’d certainly have an interesting project. For now, this EP cannot help but sound like an experiment, or a snapshot of the baby artist’s first steps.
Below Average
Listen to it here: