Droopies - Echoes Lightly

After almost 5 years since their less-than-spectacular debut Responsible People (2017), Droopies have returned with a safe, yet enjoyable sophomore album. Released June 1st, 2022, Echoes Lightly was a significant improvement in all categories, except for originality.


Firstly, the production is considerably better. The vocals are still intentionally muffled, yet clear among the encapsulating fuzz. Take away the distortion from tracks such as Roll Out the Carpets, though, and you’re still left with basic alternative rock. To the album’s advantage, it’s very consistent and flows well. The pounding drums among the shoegaze elements are a treat on the title track, heightened by its smooth instrumental progression. Shoegaze elements are also used to transition tracks together, and sound delightful. Public Speaker is another highlight, thanks to its fast, intermittent drum patterns. Even more inventive songwriting can be heard present on Leave But Do Come Back; it’s a wonder why the band don’t let their instrumentals take lead more, such as during the meaty mid-section of Microverse and the truly impressive closer. Unfortunately, the other half of Echoes Lightly is simply a noisier Tame Impala rip-off. Shoot the Moon, Distant Call and Camera Focus are as by-the-books as psychedelic rock comes. This is partly due to the boring pop-structure.


Thankfully, the album is enjoyable. Droopies have doubled down on their style and delivered a vastly superior product to their debut; though no matter how good the chef is, if the ingredients aren’t fresh, the end result will always be flavourless. Such is the case on Echoes Lightly. You can put this one in the fast-food category; tasty, but baseless.


Above Average

Listen to it here:


Droopies - Echoes Lightly


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