Psycosmos - 220530 Part 2 of Psymix a bit old-schoolish ca. 2007

I have to hand it to Psycosmos; they achieved what they set out to do remarkably well on 220530 Part 2 of Psymix a bit old-schoolish ca. 2007. It doesn’t reinvent the wheel, though it’s undeniably well produced and thoroughly enjoyable for its 1-hour length. Harkening back to the dance scene of the 2000’s, the mixtape elicits a wonderfully sense of nostalgia and respect for the decade, without necessarily sounding like a complete rehash.


Firstly, the variation is insane. The tape has ebbs and flows unlike many similarly constructive dance playlists. Furthermore, the flow is so pleasant, one can’t help but smile. There are many tropes to be observed, though they aren’t overused, and typically transition the sections devilishly well. To top it off is a production so crisp you’d think it was a professional. Sadly, there’s not a single original idea present, though there’s an exquisite spin on old ideas, and never a dull moment.


I reviewed this mixtape looking for something to trash and left pleasantly surprised. Given the nature of Soundcloud, I hope the artist doesn’t delete the track after a week. His spirit and enthusiasm shine vibrantly through the lack of innovation.



Listen to it here:

Psycosmos - 220530 Part 2 of Psymix a bit old-schoolish ca. 2007


Effigy – Oneironaut


Lobsterfight – Sun Soaking